Health Insights for ZIP Code 80455 (Jamestown, CO)

Health Insights for Jamestown, CO

80455 ZIP Code in Colorado

Learn About Health in ZIP Code 80455

Health data and other health statistics about 80455. For adults ages 18 and above in this Jamestown, CO region, an estimated % have high cholesterol. In regard to health risk behaviors in 80455, it is estimated that approximately % of residents sleep less than 7 hours nightly.

Chronic Health Issues in ZIP Code 80455

Chronic Health Issues in ZIP Code 80455

This chart visualizes chronic health issues in this Jamestown, CO region. Percentages here refer to adult residents in 80455 who are 18 years and older.

Health Issues in 80455

Health Issue Percent of adults*
* Adults age 18 & older

Health Prevention Measures in 80455

One of the most common preventative health measures practiced by residents of ZIP Code 80455 is current access to health insurance. It is estimated that about 94.8% of adults in 80455 that are at least 18 years old have taken this preventive measure in the past 12 months. In addition, about % of adults 18 years of age and older in this Boulder County region have practiced the preventive measure in the past twelve months.

Preventative Health in 80455

Preventive Measure Percent of adults*
Current access to health insurance 94.8%
* aged 18 & above

Preventative Health Measures

Health Risk Behaviors in 80455

Health Risk Behaviors Details

Health Risk Behaviors in 80455

Risk Behavior Percent of adults*
* aged 18 & above

Health-Related FAQs for ZIP Code 80455 (Jamestown, CO)


Are residents of ZIP Code 80455 collectively older or younger than average?

Residents of the 80455 ZIP Code in Boulder County are older than average. The median age of 54.0 years in 80455 is roughly 41.732283464567% higher than the overall median age in the U.S. overall of 38.1 years.

How many residents in ZIP Code 80455 are of age 62 years and older?

An estimated 34.0% of ZIP Code 80455 residents are at least 62 years old. This is 97% higher than all regions in the state of Colorado combined (17.3%) and 77% higher than the 19.2% the percent of resident aged 62 years and older in the U.S. overall.

* Health data for ZIP 80455 courtesy of loquol.